Supporting your delivery team to get products and services to market quicker by extending your internal test team with reliable and friendly test resources; as and when you need them. As a leading software testing and testing service provider, we offer flexible solutions to meet your project demands.
Flex, scale and manage the peaks and troughs of your software delivery requirements by calling on the skills of a multi-award winning, trusted testing provider that specialises in software testing and software quality assurance. Deliver a greater customer experience by getting products and services to market faster without compromising quality with our outsourced testing solutions.
Business demands and challenges require organisations to be fast and flexible. This has meant you need a resourcing approach that combines a core group of permanent employees with a contingent workforce to scale as needed. However, finding and retaining skilled, experienced and well-trained professionals is time consuming and expensive. To solve this problem, nFocus provides a scalable test resource approach covering all software testing and quality assurance project members within the delivery team.
Guaranteed quality and reliability. All team members are known and a proven entity to nFocus and come with our seal of approval. As a testing service provider focused on quality, we recognise the skills, expertise, and knowledge needed within each delivery role to ensure a successful project.
We ensure all personnel have these traits. Our approach gives you access to a wider talent pool and optimum resourcing enables you to cope with staff shortages. This approach has enabled us to become the only company to be named Leading Vendor by the European Software Testing Awards on two separate occasions (2016, 2019). Along with this incredible achievement, we’re multi-award winning and regularly feature in the Test Magazine’s Leading Testing Providers.
Our friendly team are ready to talk through how this could work for you and your organisation.
Download our 6 reasons test automation fails to save money and the 6 things you must do to ensure success article.
Software Test Automation Services – Addressing the industrywide shortfall of Test Automation Engineers.
Flex, scale and manage the high peaks and low troughs of your testing requirements by calling on a partner.